What is Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science. Much of the literature defines artificial intelligence as
Studying and designing smart customers
A smart customer is a system that understands its environment and takes positions that increase its chance of success in achieving its mission or the mission of its team.
This definition, in terms of goals, actions, perception, and environment are due to Russell & Norvig (2003) and other definitions also include knowledge and learning as additional criteria. Computer scientist John McCarthy originally coined the term in 1956 and himself defined it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”.Andreas Kaplan and Michael Heinlein define artificial intelligence as “the ability of a system to correctly interpret external data, learn from that data, and use that knowledge to achieve specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation.”
Types of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence can be divided into
Narrow AI:
It is artificial intelligence that specializes in one field, for example, there are artificial intelligence systems that can beat the world champion in the game of chess, which is the only thing they do.
Artificial general intelligence:
This type refers to computers with the level of human intelligence in all fields, that is, it can perform any intellectual task that a person can perform, creating this type of intelligence is much more difficult than the previous type and we have not reached this level yet.
Artificial superintelligence:
Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom defines superintelligence as “thought far smarter than the best human minds in nearly every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom, and social skills,” and because of this type, the field of artificial intelligence is an interesting area to delve into.
How AI can help organizations
The main principle of AI is to simulate and transcend the way humans perceive and interact with the world around us. Which is fast becoming the cornerstone of innovation. Now that AI is equipped with many forms of machine learning that recognize patterns in data to make predictions, AI can add value to your business by:
- Provide a more comprehensive understanding of the wealth of data available
- Rely on predictions to automate highly complex tasks as well as routine tasks
Artificial intelligence features
Less room for error:
Since decisions made by the device are based on historical data and a set of algorithms, the chance of any error occurring is reduced. This in itself is an achievement, because it is now possible to solve complex problems that require difficult calculations, without any room for error.
Make the right decisions:
The complete absence of machine feelings makes it more efficient because it is able to make the right decisions in a short period of time. The best example of this is its use in healthcare. The integration of AI tools into the healthcare sector has improved the efficiency of treatments by reducing the risk of misdiagnosis.
Applying artificial intelligence in dangerous situations:
In some situations where human safety is at risk, machines with custom algorithms can be used. Nowadays, scientists use sophisticated machines to study the ocean floor, which humans are difficult to find.
Can you work continuously?
Unlike humans, the machine does not get tired, even if it has to work for hours on end. And this is of great benefit to humans, who need time to rest in order to be effective. In the case of machines, their efficiency is not affected by any external factor and does not hinder continuous work.
Disadvantages of artificial intelligence:
High implementation cost
When you combine the cost of installation, maintenance, and repair, AI is an expensive proposition. It is possible for people who have large funding and budget to implement it. However, companies and industries that don’t have the potential will find it difficult to implement AI technology into their operations or strategies.
Reliance on machines
With humans becoming more dependent on machines, we are heading to a time when it will be difficult for people to work without the help of machines. We have seen this in the past, and there is no doubt that we will continue to see it in the future, and our dependence will only increase on devices. As a result, people’s mental abilities and thinking will actually decrease over time.
Replacing low-skilled jobs
This is the main concern so far. AI can solve many low-skill jobs. Because the machines can work 24*7 without interruption, industries prefer to invest in machines instead of people. As we move into an automated world, nearly all tasks will be performed by machines, thus leaving the potential for massive unemployment. A real-time example of this is the concept of driverless cars. If the concept of driverless cars starts, there will be millions of unemployed drivers in the future.
Restricted work
AI devices are programmed to perform specific tasks based on what they are trained and programmed to do. Relying on machines to adapt to new environments or to be creative and think out of the box would be a big mistake. Because it is not possible because its thinking area is limited only to the algorithms that it is trained in.