Can you believe that there’s only a little over a month left in this school year? My answer is complicated. On the one hand, yes, I can believe it. But on the other hand, I have no idea where the …
If the Wordle craze has captured you and your students’ attention, then here is a great tool with many classroom uses. Make Your Own Wordle allows you to create a wordle and then get a link to share with your students. No registration …
In our society, few folks actually take the time to read the terms of service before installing apps on their devices. This is true for students and adults alike. If we find an app that looks like it will meet …
Need a quick way to synchronize your browser bookmarks or favorites across browsers? You may already know that several browser-based tools synchronize your bookmarks. But the ability to make a copy of your browser favorites is often limited to a …
What happens when you don’t feel confident in your abilities to complete a task? Procrastination? Anxiety? Low self-esteem? That nervous feeling in your gut? Every person reacts differently to this situation, but in general, a typical reaction leans towards …
This discussion method invites every learner in the class to participate as an active listener and speaker. Learners stand in two concentric circles facing one another and respond to a question in a paired discussion. When prompted by the instructor, …
The history of English literature is can be stretched back to the ancient time of Celtic literature. Beowulf is one of the very first testimonies of literary works in English. Since then, the growth and expansion of English literature have …
Cognitive development refers to the formation of progressively detailed mind maps inclusive of self-regulation, recollection, perception, language skills, problem-solving, and decision-making. This usually occurs from childhood to the teenage years and all the way to full maturity. Read more » …
Most schools worldwide have started using cloud computing to store, save and transfer essential documents and data. There are lots of advantages to using this tech. For example, it is usually free and allows the user to access documents from …
Most college learners rely on help desks for their information needs. In short, these desks are used to provide learners with the necessary details and support when they require help. They can come in handy when learners are lost, need …